For companies investing in Position West, it’s possible to apply for financing or investment support from Region Västra Götaland. Some apply for all of Position West, while others are intended for certain parts of the area.
Financing for businesses in all of Position West
Companies that need help with e.g. marketing, product development, environmental certification or industrial design can apply for consultancy vouchers to bring in external competence. Seed venture capital can be made available to young businesses that need to develop a product or concept for commercialization on a global scale.
Support to new businesses and investments in the Dalsland area
Businesses that want to invest in any of the following municipalities in Dalsland: Åmål, Bengtsfors, Dals-Ed, Mellerud or Färgelanda, might receive regional investment support.
Investment support may be granted for investing in buildings, machines, inventory or research and development, training and education, information campaigns, patents, licenses and the like. Maximum support amounts to 30 percent of the total investment costs.
For more information, please contact Gabriel Skarbäck, Region Västra Götaland:
Tel. (+46) (0)70-348 59 70