Networks and useful contacts
Below, we’ve listed some regional networks in different trades that might be of use for your company.
Almi offers financial advisory services, loans and venture capital through all phases of the establishment of a business – from idea to successful company.
Connect Väst
Connect Väst brings more jobs to West Sweden by helping newly established small and medium sized businesses grow faster and more efficiently.
Coompanion offers advice to people who want to start their own business. The organisation also helps non-profit organisations with business development and supports social entrepreneurship.
Drivhuset at University West
Drivhuset works closely with the University and supports young student entrepreneurs starting and running their own businesses.
Entreprenörsarenan Bohuslän
Supported by active companies, Entreprenörsarenan helps people make businesses of their ideas.
Fordonskomponentgruppen FKG
FKG is a trade association for Scandinavian sub-suppliers of the automotive industry. FKG is a member of the European association of automotive suppliers, Clepa, which gives them contacts and strengthens the suppliers’ positions.
Fyrbodals kommunalförbund
Position Väst’s main body, Fyrbodal’s municipal association, is one of the four regional municipal associations in Västra Götaland County. It is a cooperative organization for 14 of the 16 municipalities in Position West. The municipal association works, among other things, for regional growth and development, and creates conditions for using EU-resources for projects. It also contributes to building networks, spreading ideas and stimulating the exchange of experience.
Företagarna works to create better conditions to start, run, develop and own businesses in Sweden. They aim to improve the rights of entrepreneurs and business owners and to create a climate that makes it easy and attractive to run a business in Sweden.
Grensetjensten is a Swedish-Norwegian cooperation that answers trans-border questions from individuals and companies. They strive to simplify trans-border business.
Industriell Dynamik
Industriell Dynamik is a resource for tech and business development for small and medium sized industry businesses in Västa Götaland. They offer companies a needs analysis for free as well as helping them get in touch with experts in their area.
Innovatum Science Park
Innovatum acts as a bridge between business and trade, research, education, innovators and the public. At Innovatum, there’s a science center with interactive exhibits, an incubator for start-ups, the European Space Incubator BIC and Projektarena, a professional platform for research and development projects. Innovatum focuses on the following areas of expertise: energy and environmental engineering, creative professions, automation and production techniques and industrial engineering.
Innovatum har fokus på tre områden: Energi och miljöteknik. Kreativ näring. Produktionsteknik.
ACT, All Creators Together, är Innovatums mötesplats för kreativa näringar. Kortfattat innebär det att ACT erbjuder kreativa lokaler, fixar kul och utvecklande aktiviteter och samlar sköna människor.
IUC Väst
IUC works to strengthen the competitiveness of manufacturing industries in Fyrbodal. They work based on their client’s needs and offer guidance, training, business and tech development.
Leader is a financial programme and a method for cooperation within the Swedish Rural Development Programme. In Position West, there are five Leader areas:
- Leader Södra Bohuslän
- Leader Bohuskust och gränsbygd
- Leader Framtidsbygder
- Leader Längs Göta Älv
- Leader Nordvästra Skaraborg
Miljöbron acts as a bridge between universities and companies; in small or large projects, students get to practise what they’ve learned by helping small and medium sized companies to start or develop their environmental work.
Norsk-svenska Handelskammaren
Norsk-Svenska Handelskammaren works to develop and deepen the Norwegian-Swedish collaboration within business and trade.
Not Quite
Not Quite is a network for professional artists, craftsmen and designers.
Nyföretagarcentrum Väst
Nyföretagarcentrum Väst supports entrepreneurship and offers guidance free of charge to people who want to start their own business.
Styrelseakademien Fyrbodal
Styrelseakademien Fyrbodal strives to improve the work done on the boards of the region’s companies.
Svenskt Marintekniskt forum
Svenskt Marintekniskt Forum unites the marine sector to encourage development of new, more environmentally friendly products, more efficient production, and to improve the cooperation between companies, schools and the public sector. Furthermore, they work to increase the regrowth within the maritime industry.
Svenskt Näringsliv
Svenskt Näringsliv’s mission is to increase the understanding of companies’ reality and to make the conditions for Swedish companies the best that they can be.
Svinesundskommittén is a collaboration between 22 Swedish and Norwegian municipalities along with Region Västra Götaland and Östfold fylkeskommune. The goal is to strengthen development in the trans-border area by minimising obstacles and creating possibilities for business, work and more exchange between the countries.
Västra Götalandsregionen
Region Västra Götaland has three major areas of responsibility: healthcare, regional growth and development and public transport. For growth and development, the region works with business and trade, culture, environment, infrastructure, education and tourism. New companies can get financial aid from the region; for more information, see Regional Investment Support.
Västsvenska Handelskammaren – West Sweden’s Chamber of Commerce
Västsvenska Handelskammaren strives to improve economic growth in West Sweden and to help local companies develop through improving business and by influencing political decisions.
Turistrådet Västsverige
Turistrådet Västsverige develops tourism in West Sweden together with national and international partners. They strive to increase the competitiveness of the companies within the region.